• cici hunt

    For Educators - Keynote Engagements for Educators K-12

    Cici Hunt has over 30 years of experience in education. A clinician, music teacher (K-12), songwriter, performer, speaker, and former National Music Consultant for Silver Burdett/Pearson, Cici has presented to over 30,000 people throughout the United States, Germany, England, and Mexico. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Music Education from Boston University and Master's Degree in Educational Communications from the State University of New York, Albany. Cici Hunt Full Bio

    "Thanks for bringing such an uplifting experience to our teachers."
    William W. May, Supervisor for the Arts, Newark Public Schools, Newark, NJ

    "Ms. Hunt generated an excitement and enthusiasm that was simply contagious."
    Arlene Jordan, Supervisor of Expressive Arts, New York City Schools, NY.

    "Cici kept the audience on the edge of their seat."
    John Comer, Community Superintendent of Schools, District #22, NYC

    Cici is available as a key-note speaker for annual conferences, special events, and meetings.

    Here are three examples click each title to learn more:

    The Four "R's" For Educators: Recall, Renew, and Return Rejuvenated!
    Change the World One Child at a Time
    Speaking the Language Students and Educators Understand

    Workshops and Keynotes for Music Educators
    Cici Hunt has over 30 years experience teaching music in grades K-12. Cici also held the position of National Music Consultant for the major educational publisher, Silver Burdett/Pearson, and presented to national and international audiences on the importance of music in education, strategies for effective teaching, and music as a core subject.

    Here are three examples click each title to learn more:

    Embracing Creativity in the General Music Class
    Incorporating Writing in the Music Class
    A Moving Listening Experience


    Workshops for K-5 Classroom and Music Teachers
    Click to learn more

    It’s a Whale of a Workshop: The Sea Comes to Life with Music, Visual Arts, and Drama

    Sing Me a Story, Tell Me a Rhyme:  Bringing Learning to Life and Life to
    Learning with Music and the Arts

    Tel. 508-545-0236

    Do you have a special occasion coming up?
    Cici will write music
    just for you.


    U.S. Committee for UNICEF
    Scott Foresman/ Pearson
    Silver Burdett Ginn
    United Cerebral Palsy
    Abraham and Strauss
    Jonico Music